Tuesday, September 11, 2007

continued colorless consumables

1) Dried mongolian cheese, tastes like the candy that I've found in my grandmother's ancient treats-cupboard. Host family figured it was "just like the cheese you have in america, no?"

2) Not completely colorless, but mostly warm oily pastry-cake weakly filled with peanuts, sugar and black and white sesame seeds.

3) Free appetizer soup at a restaurant. it was 100% what you would make fun of chinese food for being, all stereotypically water and cornstarch. flecked with small scraps of tofu and baijiu (see #4).

4) Bai jiu - I didn't know how to wrap my mind around classifying this. It is a sweet, watery, alcoholic delicately glutinous rice.

1 comment:

kay emm said...

that cheese looks disgusting. i think i had something like that in china. our guide said not to try and chew it bc it will break your teeth. so appetizing!